What are the children going to do at KAZE-NOKO forest preschool?

- PLAY, PLAY and PLAY! Children learn through play especially when they are engaged in undirected free play. It is such a simple and well known fact yet not many children are allowed to do so in our society… Their learning process might not look like what we, adults, expect it to look like, but if they are playing, they are learning! Activities such as stories, songs, music, yoga, loose parts, arts and crafts will be offered throughout the day based on the interests and needs of each child.

- Children are going to experience a variety of weather conditions. Sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, hot, cold, wet, etc. It will provide opportunities for the children to be grateful for what they have and learn to be resilient. We will find JOY in every weather condition and it will nurture a lifelong foundation of accepting changes and a go with the flow mentality.
- Children are going to learn to respect and take care of nature and each other. When we see garbage in the woods, what can we do? When we see a friend crying, what can we do? When we love something, we take good care of it and this experience will build a foundation of stewardship of our urban forest and friendship with each other.

- Children are encouraged to be independent. This doesn’t mean that they have to carry their backpacks by themselves all day long. It means that they have opportunities to think independently and problem-solve without adults interfering with their thoughts or telling them what to do. The educator is there to facilitate their problem-solving process. You will not hear me say “You have to share!” instead you will hear me say “What can we do to solve this problem?”. You will not hear me make comments or give praise on every single thing that the child does, instead, you will see me observing the child closely and asking open-ended questions when they are ready to talk .

- Children are going to challenge their physical and mental abilities through active play and taking supported risks in nature. Climbing trees and boulders, running around in the woods, and carrying water from the river. When children are challenging their abilities, they will be closely observed and given an opportunity to think through their movements, strategies, and solutions. Physical or mental support will be provided by the educator if needed. Risky play is the best way to gain confidence and self-regulation skills.
- Children are going to get messy! Clothes are washable and so are your children! Children are welcome to jump in muddy puddles, cook mud pies, roll on the grass, paint under the trees, and more. These experiences are incredibly fun and stimulate their five senses, gross and fine motor, cognitive, emotional, language development and are excellent for boosting their immune system!